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dc.contributor.advisorGranda Rojas, Esteban Francisco-
dc.contributor.authorVillarruel Herrera, Rubén Eduardo-
dc.descriptionAbstract: The purpose of this project is to promote the corporate brand of the national sports club, in order to better understand the current trends of the fans, as today the brand and the development of the brand over the years. of qualitative and quantitative research, use of the club's corporate brand, use of secondary sources, comparison with the brand of other brands such as the clubs Barcelona SC, Emelec, SD Aucas and Liga de Quito; This analysis is carried out through a diachronic analysis. Subsequently, the three parts of the mark of the iconic, chromatic and linguistic message will be analyzed. In the qualitative research part, a group of the sample was determined that will serve to determine the values of the brand, with the purpose of determining the points mainly, first, on how to perceive the club's brand and that the values represent ; second, about the qualities he perceives with the colors, shield and phrases of the club; Finally determine the issues external to the brand have affected it. Finally, a graphic proposal will be designed through qualitative and quantitative research to improve the aspects that are considered negative as part of the club's fans; respecting the historical symbols of the club and representing each icon. Through this proposal or manual of management of the brand, it will be determined if the typography of the club should be changed. On the other hand, changes can be defined in the club's shield. Finally, determine the use of colors in the different forms of backgrounds, photography and positions. Finally, the proposal will be delivered with conclusions and recommendations, so that the club can make the changes and the use of its brand in order to build a solid corporate identity.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de investigación sobre el rediseño del identificador de la unidad educativa experimental particular amazónica, empleando los parámetros de calidad gráfica de Norberto Chávez y afianzar en relación al sentido de pertenencia y apropiación que genera en sus integrantes A través de un análisis de la marca, sus aplicaciones y errores se establece una nueva identidad visual corporativa con las respectivas aplicaciones tanto para medios impresos como para medios digitales, generando una actualización de la marca con mayor unidad visual facilitando su reconocimiento en base a los parámetros de calidad gráfica Norberto Chávez. Todo el trabajo realizado se hace con el fin de que la Unidad Educativa Experimental Particular Amazónica, tenga una nueva imagen que aporte una óptima comunicación empresarial a partir de su identidad.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito, Universidad Metropolitanaes_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectImagen corporativaes_ES
dc.subjectParámetros de calidad gráficaes_ES
dc.titleRediseño de identificador de la Unidad Educativa Experimental Particular Amazónica, empleando los parámetros de calidad gráfica de Norberto Chávezes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Diseño Gráfico

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